
Showing posts from March, 2019

Seasons come, seasons go

I'm back! I had to put this blog and basically all social media on the back burner for awhile. Something was seriously wrong, and I couldn't put my finger on it. Even though we just bought a house and I should be happy, I had never been more depressed in my life. Well...on a routine blood test to check my thyroid levels, it was discovered that they were low and I needed to go back on medication. It's scary to step out on a limb and share this so openly. But, it's also such a relief to know that my depression wasn't onset by anything other than my thyroid. Can you believe it? I should have known. But I was in such a fog that it didn't even occur to me at the time. It didn't help that I had a complete weight loss stall in January due to these levels, as well. I was really letting negative thoughts take hold of my mind, and I wanted to throw in the towel so badly. I can't tell you that things are perfect now. But I'm slowly coming back to my normal and