
Showing posts from July, 2018

The hardest part of saying goodbye

Losing my mom has been very eventful. My relationship ended on a good note with her, so I felt like I was okay. It was hard for me to cry, because knowing that she was saved means that she went to be with the Lord and that I would get to see her again. I had heard from others who knew her that she was up there doing hair and singing praises! I thought I would be mad at God, and I didn’t feel that way. When the dust settled, there were some feelings that I just couldn’t keep covered up anymore. I started to think selfishly. Why does this person not care about me? Why does it feel like that person doesn’t love me? The enemy is at work telling me that I’m a failure and that my mom was mad at me for all these different things. He wants me to feel guilty.   The Holy Spirit convicted me very quickly. Why don’t I show my affection and devotion to the Lord? Why am I not thankful for the things he has given me? He gave me life and purpose. (Romans 8:28) I cried and I pr

I love you Mom.

Yesterday I received the call that my mom went home to be with the Lord after 6 long years of battling kidney cancer. My loss is heaven's gain, and I know she's up there singing her heart out and praising the Lord. What a testimony of faith. I love you Mom. I always will. Prayers appreciated for our family!